Barbara Santini,
Religionsphilosophie: kein Abschied von der Letztbegründung. Hölderlin und die Gottesfrage im Ausgang von Kant
Giulia Bernard,
Mitteilung of the Absolute: Performing Knowledge in the Philosophy of Religion
Dennis Vanden Auweele, Yu Xia,
Revealing Reason’s Limits and Rebuking Heidegger: Schelling’s Late Thoughts on God and Religion
Tommaso Mauri,
From Religious Philosophy to Philosophy of Religion. A Path in Schelling’s Late Philosophy
Kaiyuan Hong,
Die anthropologische Konzeption in Hegels Religionsphilosophie und ihre Problematik
Manuel Tangorra,
The Borders of an Uncertain Object. Nature, Desire and Magic in Hegel’s Philosophy of Religion
Pierluigi Valenza,
Il destino del cristianesimo nella filosofia della religione di Hegel
Matthis Glatzel,
Die Bedeutung des religiösen Bewusstseins in den Psychologievorlesungen Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleiermachers
Stefan Schick,
St. John 1.1 or Luke 23.46? Fichte and Jacobi on the Truth of Christianity
Luca Fonnesu,
Job’s Loneliness. Theodicy and its Failure in Kant’s Thought
Agustín Lucas Prestifilippo,
The Becoming of Spirit. A Controversy on Social Change in Contemporary Critical Theory
Antonio Ianni Segatto, Matheus Garcia de Moura,
Reconstructive Social Criticism without a Genealogical Proviso: Honneth on Method and the Pathologies of Individual Freedom
Giovanni Andreozzi,
Anerkennung e teoria critica dell’intersoggettività
Paula García Cherep,
Max Horkheimer y el proyecto de una dialéctica no cerrada
Eliza Starbuck Little,
Simone de Beauvoir’s Critical Hegelianism
Markus Gante,
‘Was wir so wissen, weiß das Gewöhnliche Bewußtsein nicht…’. Zum Motiv der Bewusstlosigkeit in Hegels Philosophie des Rechts
Marloren Lopes Miranda,
Um desdobrar não tão silencioso: Algumas observações feministas sobre o § 166 da Filosofia do direito e a noção de modernidade de Hegel
Giovanni Zanotti,
The Process Between Kant and Schlegel. Dialectic in the Adorno-Benjamin Debate
Federica Gregoratto,
Romances of Nature. Hegelian and Romantic Impulses for Critical Theory
Heikki Ikäheimo,
Time Comprehended in Thoughts – Hegel, Humanity, and Social Critique
Gunnar Hindrichs,
On the Contemporaneity of Critical Theory
Franco Chiereghin,
I correlati neurali dell’intersoggettività. Nota su alcune scelte lessicali a proposito dei neuroni specchio
Emma S. Moorhead, J.M. Fritzman, Miguel D. Guerrero,
Everything is Its Opposite: Bennett’s Stalemates, Willard’s Draws, Kant’s Antinomies, and Hegel’s Sublation
Ahmet Süner,
Bringing Back the Picture: A Revision of the Pictorial Understanding of Language in Light of Wittgenstein
Sabina Tortorella,
Dietro le quinte dell’eticità: normatività e disposizione soggettiva nella Fenomenologia dello spirito
Giovanna Miolli,
Composting Contemporary Metaphilosophy with Feminist Philosophical Perspectives: Towards an Account of Philosophy’s Concreteness
Valentina Bortolami,
On the Metaphilosophical Implications of the Naturalism Question in Feminism
Michelle Ciurria,
A New Ameliorative Approach to Moral Responsibility
Damiano Migliorini,
Come nottola al tramonto: ipotesi su metodo e scopo delle future filosofie femministe
Rachel Falkenstern,
On the Uses and Abuses of Doing Feminist Philosophy with Hegel