On the Metaphilosophical Implications of the Naturalism Question in Feminism

Di Valentina Bortolami

In: Feminist Metaphilosophy L , No. 2 ( 2021 )

Sezione Saggi / Articles


In this article, I argue that the issue of naturalism is crucial for feminist epistemology and feminist metaphilosophy. I analyze the risks and opportunities that naturalism brings for feminist philosophy. To this end, I will first outline a conception of naturalism based on Joseph Rouse’s conceptualization. Then I will proceed to examine Ásta’s article The Naturalism Question in Feminism, highlighting the relevance of two key points for the feminist methodological debate: the normativity of oppression and justificatory stories. Subsequently, I suggest that these problems may find satisfying responses in two currents of feminist epistemology – feminist standpoint empiricism and feminist new materialism (which I considered as two naturalized epistemologies) – which have recast the key concepts of naturalism, nature, and science. I will draw some metaphilosophical conclusions from this analysis.
