CFP: HEGEL AND/IN/ON TRANSLATION, ed. by Saša Hrnjez and Elena Nardelli
Over the past few years, “translation” as a philosophical concept has received renewed attention. A variety of questions related to translation and translatability has been explored, but nonetheless, there is a noticeable lack of Hegelian perspectives, at times combined with an anti-Hegelian stance in contemporary philosophies of translation. This special issue of Verifiche, entitled “Hegel and/in/on Translation”, aims to face and correct this tendency demonstrating the productivity, on both sides, of the interaction between Hegelian philosophy and translation’s theory and praxis.
The issue will have two parts. The first section will present contributions investigating the interaction from different theoretical angles, testing the speculative and dialectical character of translation through Hegel’s conceptual frame. The following questions can guide this analysis:
- Is the dialectics of identity and difference a fruitful approach for comprehending the relationship between the original and its translation?
- Does the logic of translation fit with the Hegelian logic of mediation?
- Do the ontological categories of Hegel’s system help us to envisage transformative characteristics of translation?
- How should we frame Hegel’s perspective in relation to other classical reflections on translation (e.g., those of Schleiermacher, Humboldt, Benjamin, Heidegger, Derrida, and Quine)?
- Does the examination of Hegel’s philosophy through the lens of translation enable us to discern unexpected aspects of his logic, philosophy of history, or philosophy of language?
The second part will be addressed to those scholars who have ventured into the task of translating Hegel’s texts into different languages and is devoted to the particular problems arising from this activity. The following questions can be explored:
- What are the main difficulties of translating Hegel’s concepts and prose into different languages? What are the possible strategies to cope with them?
- How have specific translation choices influenced the history and reception of Hegel’s thought?
- How can translating Hegelian terminology help us to better comprehend its complex conceptual structure?
- What do translations of Hegel’s texts tell us about translation praxis itself?
For the first part of the issue, manuscripts must be no longer than 40.000 characters. For the second part, manuscripts must be between 10.000 and 25.000 characters. Papers should be in English, Italian, French or German, preferably; other languages can be considered upon agreement with the editors. Before sending your contribution, please consider the Guidelines for authors and this sample.
Full papers should be received by November 29th, 2019.
A committee will review all papers. Notifications regarding acceptance will be made via email.
Email a copy of your paper, as an attachment, in Microsoft Word (.doc), Rich Text Format (.rtf), or Adobe Portable Document Format (.pdf) to the editors: Saša Hrnjez ( and Elena Nardelli ( Please include the following information:
(1) Paper’s title
(2) Author’s name
(3) Short biography (affiliation, research interests, recent publications, etc.)
(4) Author’s email address