The Reception and Translation of Hegel in Japan

Di Ayumi Takeshima

In: Hegel and/in/on Translation XLIX , No. 1-2 ( 2020 )

Sezione Saggi / Articles


The translation of Hegel’s philosophy into Japanese is inextricably related to its reception in Japan. Therefore, this paper gives an overview of how Hegel’s work was received and translated in Japan. This paper divides the history of Hegel in Japan into the following four periods: 1) The early period (1878-1904); 2) Up to the great 1930s (1905-1930); 3) From the 1930s to World War II (1931-1945); and 4) From 1945 to the present. Due to space constraints, this paper will mainly focus on the first three periods and consider the relationship between Hegel’s philosophy, Buddhism, Marxism, and the Kyoto School.
