Motivos da estética de Kant na estética de Hegel

Di Marco Aurélio Werle

In: Verifiche, Anno LI, N. 1-2, 2022 LI , No. 1-2 ( 2022 )

Sezione Padova Hegel Lectures


The article intends to investigate the relationship between Kant’s and Hegel’s aesthetics, insofar as the latter presents itself as a continuity of the first, although it criticizes it. This will be done from an examination of moments of the analytic of the beautiful and the deduction and dialectics of aesthetic judgment from Kant’s Critique of Judgment. It will be shown how certain motifs of Kantian thought are resolved and explored by Hegel in the courses of Aesthetics, on another plane and logical domain, beyond a theory of judgment and according to parameters of a philosophy of spirit.
